Fursuit Festival
About the Festival
We are excited to bring back the Fursuit Festival, and we’ve moved it to a new day and time so that even more of our attendees can join in the fun! This year on Friday, after the Dealer’s Den closes, we will be launching with our giant group fursuit photo in the Main Ballroom at 6:30 SHARP and then fill both the main stage and second stage areas with tons of photo shoot areas and activities for everyone to enjoy! Here's how the evening will work:
Big Group Photo
The Festival will be Friday evening, from 6:30PM after the giant group fursuit photo, until 9:00PM. Suiters can begin staging at 6:00PM in the main ballroom, but there won’t be any special fursuit tag giveaways so there’s no need to fall in line – just show up!
Two Spacious Areas
Photo shoot and activity areas will be available in BOTH the main stage and second stage areas on the main level of the Grand Sierra Resort. That means a whopping SIXTY THOUSAND square feet of space for fursuiters, photographers, and other people to freely wander and mingle!
Many Photo Stations
There will be EIGHT dedicated photo stations which will have officially scheduled photo shoots taking place, twice the amount of official stations from last year! And the impromptu photo station will be back again this year as well – so even if you’re not on the schedule, you can still get the red carpet treatment! To suggest a photo shoot, fill out our survey.
To get a group photo at the impromptu station, just assemble your group and walk right up!
Open to Public
After the giant group fursuit photo, the festival begins! Suiters and non-suiters mingle across both rooms, creating lots of great interaction opportunities for fursuiters, which means all the one-on-one interaction time you can get without needing to keep up with a parade line!
On Friday this year
The Festival will be on Friday this year. Group photo will be taken at 6:30pm, after which the festival lasts until 9pm.
Keeping You Safe
Security will be present around spaces still restricted to con attendees only, such as the fursuit lounge or video game room.
Lots of Activities
You’ll see a lot of your favorite activities from last year returning, as well as a few new stations to try out. Be sure to stop by all of them to enjoy playing with all of your suiting and non-suiting friends – but please don’t take any props with you!
Take a Selfie
We’re introducing Selfie Stations this year, where you can borrow our selfie stick! Then, we can tweet out the picture for you to download!
Info Stations
Not sure of where a photo station is or when a particular photo shoot is happening? There will now be information stations available in the main ballroom, second stage area, and fursuit lounge, that will hold lots of useful information to help you plan your festival schedule! We will also have team members from Con Ops floating around able to answer your questions live, and big paper copies of the photo schedule hung up around the rooms.
So Many Fans
Powerful fans will be scattered around the Festival, for a quick refresher without having to use the fursuit lounge.
Accessible Fursuit Lounges
There will be two fursuit lounges available - The main fursuit lounge by second stage, and part of backstage behind main stage will be available as well. But these areas will still be very busy; please keep your visits as brief as you can to make room for others who need it.
No more lines
This year, we eliminated any reason to form a line: There is no special fursuit tag giveaway. You can mingle in Second Stage if you like until the group photo time. Non-suiters simply mingle in Second Stage until the photo is taken.
Times & Location
The Fursuit Festival is taking place in the Grand Ballroom/Summit Pavilion. See Festival Map below.
NOTE: The schedule below may still change.
Giant Group Photoshoot
Fursuiters and handlers only.
Handlers please step aside when the photo is taken.
- Friday 6–6:30PM @ Main Stage - Staging
- Friday 6:30-6:35PM @ Main Stage - Photo Taken
Main Stage Hours
- Friday 6-6:35PM - Suits & Handlers Only
- Friday 6:35-9PM - Mingling and Activities (Open to Public)
- Friday 6:45-8:45PM - Specialty Group Photoshoots
Second Stage Hours
- Friday 6-9PM - Mingling and Activities (Open to Public)
- Friday 6:45-8:45PM - Specialty Group Photoshoots
Specialty Group Photoshoots
Note: Click time blocks to see more information
Friday 6:45PM - Theme: Makers
- Self Made Fursuits (@ PS01)
- Arend Studios (@ PS02)
- Dream Machine (@ PS03)
- Fursuits by Lacy (@ PS04)
- DWTA (@ PS06)
- Sparkle Kreations (@ PS07)
- Beastcub Creations (@ PS08)
Friday 7:00PM - Theme: Colors
- Green (@ PS01)
- Blue (@ PS02)
- Red (@ PS03)
- Orange (@ PS04)
- Purple (@ PS06)
- Yellow (@ PS07)
- Pink (@ PS08)
Friday 7:15PM - Theme: Locations
- Four Corners Furs (AZ, UT, CO, WY) (@ PS01)
- PacNW Furs (@ PS02)
- Trans-Pacific Furs (@ PS03)
- Trans-Atlantic Furs (@ PS04)
- California Furs (@ PS05)
- Canadian Furs (@ PS06)
- Latin America & South America Furs (@ PS07)
- Nevada Furs (@ PS08)
Friday 7:30PM - Theme: Species
- Wolves (@ PS01)
- Huskies (@ PS02)
- Big/Wild Cats (@ PS03)
- Housecats (@ PS04)
- Monsters (@ PS05)
- Rabbits & Rodents (@ PS06)
- Skunks (@ PS07)
- Otters (@ PS08)
Friday 7:45PM - Theme: Makers
- Jill Costumes (@ PS01)
- Don't Hug Cacti (@ PS02)
- ByCats4Cats (@ PS03)
- FurrHappens (@ PS04)
- More Fur Less (@ PS05)
- Dandylions LLC (@ PS06)
- Crystumes (@ PS07)
- Twinky Arts (@ PS08)
Friday 8:00PM - Theme: Colors
- Grey (@ PS01)
- Brown (@ PS02)
- Black (@ PS03)
- White (@ PS04)
- Neon (@ PS05)
- Peach (@ PS06)
- Rainbow (@ PS07)
Friday 8:15PM - Theme: Types
- Plush (@ PS01)
- Sexy (@ PS02)
- Grumpy (@ PS03)
- Hypno (@ PS04)
- Super Toony (@ PS05)
- Super Realistic (@ PS06)
- Quad Suits (@ PS07)
- Japanese/Anime Suits (@ PS08)
Friday 8:30PM - Theme: Species
- German Shepherds & Dobermans (@ PS01)
- Avian & other Winged (@ PS02)
- Foxes (@ PS03)
- Hooved (@ PS04)
- Dutch Angel Dragon (@ PS05)
- Reptiles, Dinos & Dragons (@ PS06)
- Bears, Pandas, & Red Pandas (@ PS07)
- Raccoons (@ PS08)
Friday 8:45PM - Theme: Makers
- KodiMade (@ PS01)
- Roofur (@ PS02)
- TunnySaysIDK (@ PS03)
- Komickrazi (@ PS04)
- OneFurAll (@ PS05)
- Mixed Candy (@ PS06)
- Kilcodo Costumes (@ PS07)
- LemonBrat (@ PS08)
Sunday 2PM - MadeFurYou Fursuits
MadeFurYou is having a special photo shoot. They will meet at Singha’s Photo Booth and will proceed as a group to the photoshoot location (nearby). Singha will be taking the photo(s). For more information, click here.

Fursuiter Rules
Remember that we are inviting the public to join the Fursuit Festival. Expect children to be present, and make sure your behavior and the appearance of your fursuit are appropriate for young children. We will turn you away from this event if your appearance is inappropriate for children. Please remember, you are going to be giving many people their first impression of the furry fandom. We are trusting you to represent the fandom in a positive light.
The primary focus of this event is photography, and photos will be taken frequently and by many people from all directions. Please keep this in mind when entering the Festival. If you don't want pictures taken of you or your fursuit, please consider other events on the convention schedule during this time.
The fursuit lounges will see very heavy use during the Festival. Please do use the lounges as needed, but please make room for others as soon as you can. Handlers, please consider waiting for your suiter just outside the lounge and checking on them every five minutes, to free up more lounge space for suiters.
There is no special giveaway for participating in the festival, so there is no need to line up, you just need to be in place for the photos you want to be in!
For any questions feel free to reach out to us at fursuiting@goblfc.org!